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World Championship Pietermaritzburg: Who will be on the 26″ Junior and Elite podium?

championnat du monde uci trial 2013 pietermaritzburg bynini trial inside qualification elite 26 pouces (12)

The finals of the junior and elite 26 inches will conclude the four days of competition at the UCI Trial World Championship 2013. As from the start we invite you to participate in a poll that with the only goal to share the passion for this wonderful sport. So do not hesitate to give your… Read More »

World Championship Pietermaritzburg: Who will be on the 20″ Junior and Elite podium?


Wednesday, August 28, 2013 the 20 inches qualificationstook place. A first classifcation was made but everyone knows the outcome of qualifications is not necessarily that of the final. In Elite 20 inches, the Iberians have dominated as always  but will they succeed in providing a  100% Spanish podium? In the Junior 20 inches category, things… Read More »