Tag Archives: Gilles Coustellier
Feed SubscriptionJoin the Coust’Breath
As announced on this week end, I will continue riding the remaining Trial season with the brand BREATH. Thanks to this collaboration, I have decided to create a COUST’BREATH Team. So I am going to offer two BREATH frames to two young riders ( one aluminium frame and one red frame). https://www.facebook.com/coustbreath?fref=ts So you can… Read More »
(Français) Gilles Coustellier va rouler sur BREATH!
2014 UCI Trials World Cup: Krakow to Begin
The UCI Trials World Cup start this week in Poland, Krakow. 115 riders from 19 countries at the start line. The UCI would like to wish all riders best luck at the upcoming 2014 UCI Trials World Cup #1 Krakow. We can’t wait to see who get to wear the leader jersey at the next race!…… Read More »
(Français) Copa Italia Lazzate: Classements et Photos
(Français) Les bréves du Trial: Abel, Gilles, Kenny et Hans, Vašek, Ozonys…
Vasek Kolar: Trial Ride in France 2014
Trial Ride in France by Vasek Kolar with Gilles Coustellier, Giacomo Coustellier and Théau Courtes
Rockman Gabbro2 now: 3 colors!
Trial Prod the French Rockman’s Dealers have receive the Frame Gabbro 2 Gilles Coustellier. Hs available in 3 colors! Looks Gabbro 2 chez Trial Prod. Pictures Gabbro 2:
Pictures: Gabbro 2 Gilles Coustellier by Trial-World.com
Looks now the first pictures of the Rockman Gabbro 2 by trial-world.com. Colour: Black anodized with white/gold Rockman graphics. Wheelbase: 1090mm Chainstay: 380mm BB Rise: +75mm Head Angle: 72º Weight: 1.515 g More infos directly in http://trial-world.com/ Here the pictures.